Saturday 13 March 2010

Spring Photography

Firstly the weather has been great this month with only friday to show for the rain, beautiful weather and sunshine but yet still abit too cold.
I did manage to go to Roundhay Park tho on wednesday afternoon and get some good photography shots around waterloo lake, its great to see the sunshining although its not yet spring till the 21st march.
I have placed some of the images from wednesday below and have recently updated my flickr and delicious bookmarking sites

Monday 8 March 2010


Well theres been 8 days of march so far and the lovely spring weather has started to come through apart from the temperatures, its still been abit too cold for my liking.
I havent had much time recently to get some new photography up but will be in the next few weeks, i have a busy schedule with work and i am doing the Sport Relief Leeds 6 mile run on 21st march.

I have also been creating some logos and posters for a charity football tournament in aid of sport relief so will upload them when completed.

I also joined Delicious bookmarking site where i can keep a record of decent sites with tutorials on and anything i find interesting to help me in future, here is the link.